Get your Module Developed By US.
WHMCS Module - Members of our team have been developing custom modules and addons since 2015
We have experience developing custom server modules, gateway modules, domain registrar modules, admin modules, and even custom action hooks or integrations. We can make WISECP do almost anything you want!.
Simple Contract Starting From 3 Months For €249/mo, We have the know-how and manpower to turn even a rough vision into a ready IT solution just when you need it most.
If you are looking for someone to develop a Custom WISECP Modules for you, whether it's for you to sell to other people, for your company to use or whatever the reason, feel free to contact us for a quote. We will discuss the project with you and come up with a very reasonable and cost effective price.
We are ready to create addon module for WISECP Module as per your needs.
Hooks Module for WISECP to automation of your WISECP and other setup.
Provision module for your organization that made easy automation of systems.
Administration module enables ability to do setup/customization of your admin area.
Payment Gateway Module enables your WISECP system in payment made easy for your customers.
We can also create Domain registrar module through which your customer can buy domains.